We were priviliged to go to a friend's family reunion for a visit. We had so much fun. Someone there made a rope swing for the kids. Once the girls got over their fear of falling off, they had a ball! These are just a few of the pictures from that amazing evening.
Play energizes us and enlivens us.
It eases our burdens.
It renews our natural sense of optimism
and opens us up to new possibilities.
Stuart Brown, MD
It is a happy talent to know how to play.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
A child loves his play,
not because it’s easy,
but because it’s hard.
Benjamin Spock
Children need the freedom and time to play.
Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.
Kay Redfield Jamison
Deep meaning lies often in childish play.
Johann Friedrich von Schiller
Surely all God’s people…like to play.
John Muir
You can discover more about a person
in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.
We worry about what a child will become tomorrow,
yet we forget that he is someone today.
~Stacia Tauscher
Play, while it cannot change
the external realities of children’s lives,
can be a vehicle for children
to explore and enjoy their differences
and similarities and to create,
even for a brief time,
a more just world where everyone is
an equal and valued participant.
Patricia G. Ramsey